ThM 502 - Catholic Social Teaching (3 credits)
§ Taught by Dr. Squires
Mondays 7:00-9:00 PM
This course reviews major Church documents on social teaching. It emphasizes the integral connection between social justice and its moral foundations in Scripture and magisterial documents. There is a stress on Catholic social doctrine as praxis. Students study the principles, values, criteria for judgment, and directives for action. Emphasis is placed on magisterial social teaching from Pope Leo XIII to Pope Francis.
Pm 502 - Pastoral Care for Marriage and Families (3 credits)
Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 PM
§ Taught by Ms. Mary Caprio
The purpose of the course is to understand the need for lifelong formation in the areas of marriage and family. The vision of John Paul II, and Pope Francis, and other authors stress that preparation for marriage begins early. It continues through the immediate preparation prior to the wedding with support necessary throughout the life of a marriage and family. Every area of ministry (catechetical, youth, social, etc.) should play a role in this formation. This vision also involves an understanding of the family as a system of relationships that develop and change over time.
Bi 502 - The New Testament and Its Interpretation (3 credits)
Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 PM
§ Taught by Fr. Tim Peters
This course offers students and introduction to the historical and theological themes of the New Testament. The first part of the course introduces students to the relationship of the New Testament to the Old Testament, with special attention on Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises. The second will explore ancient and modern models of interpretation and their theological and pastoral impact. Pope Benedict XVI’s Verbum Domini and other texts will be read.
Refunds for full school year tuition are made according to the following schedule. Beginning with the first class day, if a student leaves before the end of the:
§ 14th calendar day…………………….75%
§ 21st calendar day……………………..50%
§ 28th calendar day……………………..25%
§ 29th calendar day and later………No refund