Dr. Ford studied for the priesthood for the then-diocese of Monterey–Fresno, 1961–1973, but was never ordained. He was a Benedictine monk at St. Andrew’s Abbey, Valyermo, from 1973–1978. Dr. Ford was the first Roman Catholic in the doctoral program at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. His primary areas of competence are ecclesiology and mariology, sacramental theology, and music and liturgy; his secondary areas are spirituality, eschatology, and chant. He is an internationally recognized authority on the life and writings of C. S. Lewis; his award-winning book, Companion to Narnia (HarperCollins) is now in its fifth edition. He was the editor of Words to Live By (HarperSanFrancisco, 2007) and Yours Jack: Spiritual Direction from C.S. Lewis (HarperOne, 2009). He was honored as a distinguished alumnus of Saint John’s Seminary for 2013. Dr. Ford’s music publications are the books and CDs associated with his By Flowing Waters: Chant for the Liturgy (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press). His latest publications are the books and CDs associated of Psallite: Sacred Songs for Liturgy and Life and a bilingual Companion to the Roman Missal (2010). He is the convening member of the Collegeville Composers Group and a contributor to the Pray Tell blog.